Sustainability: Key to Growing Consumer Loyalty

by Team Retail-1 - November 20, 2019

One of the most critical and essential topics today is conscious consumerism and sustainability. With the rising trend of sustainability quickly becoming tomorrow’s expectation, retailers are under pressure to become “purpose-driven” brands.

Join our experts from ACCEO Retail-1 along with our guest retailer BESTSELLER as we present,

“How to build and foster stronger consumer relationships through responsible and conscious retailing.”

Today’s consumers increasingly favor sustainable companies that minimize their impact on people and the planet. The rise of social consciousness has each generation of consumers expecting companies to take a stand on current relevant issues such as sustainability, transparency, and fair employment practices. Join us and guest speaker, Stephanie Bleau of BESTSELLER, as we discuss how to become an enduring business with positive initiatives that will impact your brand reputation and value, customer loyalty, and future best practices. Learn how BESTSELLER is driving success with its “Fashion Forward Strategy.”

“I’m so excited to share the lessons learned through BESTSELLER’s ambitious sustainability journey and hopefully help inspire some of you to take the next step in transforming our industry into becoming more ecologically and economically responsible.” – Stephanie Bleau

ACCEO Solutions is committed to supporting retailers throughout their journey to becoming a sustainable business with comprehensive software solutions designed and developed for the future of retailing.

ACCEO Solutions is also exhibiting at NRF, visit us in booth 5565 and lets discuss how our technology is making a difference.

Learn more about ACCEO Retail-1

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