Attract More Potential Customers this Halloween

by Team Retail-1 - November 12, 2019

With Halloween right around the corner, it’s time to have a little fun! Try these marketing ideas in your store to attract more potential customers and delight your most loyal clients:

Theme it

If there is a way to theme your store by grouping orange and black items, or by displaying items that can be used for Halloween at the front of the store, it can go a long way towards looking festive. It’s fun to work with colour but there’s textile too! Try adding an orange and black ribbon around some items.

Dress up

You’re never too old to play dress up! If your customers walk in and see their favourite cartoon character or superhero, you will make them smile. Or laugh. Perhaps even laugh at you. But you made an impression and you made their day.

Scare them

Spiderwebs are creepy, even for those who are not afraid of spiders. Try putting a few in the corners of your store or having scary sounds in just one area so people aren’t expecting it. It’s the small things that the customer believes only they noticed, that they will remember. 

Throw a party 

Use Halloween as an excuse to throw an open house style party with themed items, decoration, candy and costumes! Really bring it all together and attract new customers by standing out.

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