
Strengthening Consumer Relations – How to Build and Foster Stronger Connections Through Responsible and Conscious Retailing

For years, retailers have treated conscious consumerism as a niche market. But the growing concern for sustainability and the large buying power of new generations of consumers are forcing them to review their position. Needless to say, this is quite a paradigm shift for an industry that still very much thrives on overconsumption.

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The Importance of BI in an Ever-Changing Retail Landscape

As consumers become more demanding and competition intensifies, retailers must learn to make better decisions to stay relevant in a constantly changing environment. There is too much at stake and they can no longer rely on their intuition alone. Retail analytics and business intelligence provide them with actionable insights to solve the many business challenges […]

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The Relation Between Data and the Customer Experience

In an era where customers have increasingly more power in the sales process, delivering a superior and differentiated customer experience (CX) has become a business imperative. And although retailers are collecting more data than ever before, most of them are still struggling to leverage customer intelligence in a meaningful way. This whitepaper explores the relation […]

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The Five Decisions That Matter in Building the New Retail Ecosystem

The retail industry has already undergone significant transformation and giants like Sears and Toys “R” Us paid a hefty price for their complacency. Is the worst over? Industry analysts are confident that fewer stores will close in the near future, but nothing indicates that the pace of change is slowing down. On the contrary… Some […]

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