COVID-19 Communication

by Team Retail-1 - March 24, 2020

We invite you to refer to this page over the next few weeks to keep informed of the impact of the COVID-19 situation on our business. We will make sure to update the page as quickly as possible.

Like you, we are closely following developments related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), by taking various specific actions, and by implementing our business continuation plans based on needs.

Our greatest priority at this time is to see to the health and safety of our staff, our customers and our business partners. Given the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in North America, and the persistent uncertainty on a global scale, we are taking additional measures to protect our employees, their family, our customers, our business partners and the communities that we live in.
We take our business relationship with you to heart, and our goal is to continue to provide you with quality service.


We are aware that business must continue as normally as possible and that involves continuing to provide you with the level of service that you are entitled to expect. We have taken steps to ensure that we maintain the quality of work offered while respecting deadlines.

  • We are currently able to provide our customers all our solutions and services without major interruption.
  • We are following our business and technology continuity plans to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our customers.
  • We have reviewed our policies and procedures in order to implement appropriate security measures to protect your information and data, by providing instructions to all our employees on how to do things when working remotely.
  • We are working with our third-party suppliers, if necessary, to coordinate the services that we offer our customers.


In accordance with our current policy, everyone who can telework or who does not feel well are invited to work at home or rest until they are able to return to work. We have reinforced this policy and we now ask all our employees who show symptoms or who have been in contact with a person who is waiting for the results of medical tests to work from home and follow the recommendations of Health Canada, especially voluntary self-quarantine of people who have contracted the virus or who have come into contact with a person who has received a positive result or who is coming back from a trip.

  • We have imposed restrictions on non-essential business travel, including any travel in regions affected by the epidemic.
  • We have checked that we have a sufficient infrastructure and systems equipment to enable our employees to work remotely and we have begun discussions with our external suppliers to obtain additional resources if necessary.

Our relationship with you is important. The current situation is beyond anything that we have ever experienced. We invite you to stay in contact with us and contact us at 1 888-474-2001 if you think that we can help you in any way whatsoever. We will continue to keep you informed of any major changes to the above information.

Thank your trust and your understanding.

The ACCEO Retail-1 team

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